What are the hours ?
Monday - Friday
7am - 6pm
7am - Noon
Check In:
Monday - Friday
7am - 10am
3pm - 4pm
Check Out:
7days a week
8am - 9am (Late check out 5pm additional $22)
Reservations are required
Required Vaccinations?
rabies (over 4 months old)
distemper (dhlpp) (parvo/ distemper)
parasite free fecal
no fleas/ ticks
on heartworm & flea preventative
spayed or neutered preferred ( over 7 months old)
What is appropriate attire?
All dogs should wear a quick release collar with current rabies tag attached.
What breeds do we allow?
We do not discriminate against any breed
Every dog has a temperament test before
being allowed at Dog Days.
We cannot accept aggressive dogs.
Do we accept intact dogs?
As a general rule the answer is no. We prefer all male be neutered by 6 months and females by 9 months. (we do make exceptions)